The System
The System 2014 Film Budget, Box Office, Verdict, Release Date, Detail (Directed by, Starring by, Writer) and Story Overview

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- Budget: 7 Crore
- Box Office: 4.06 Crore
- Box Office Verdict: Flop
- Release Date: 30 May 2014
- Directed by: Shahzad Ghufoor
- Starring by: Sheraz, Kashif Ali
- Writer: Wajid Zubairi
Movie Overview
Haider Ali (Sheraz) is enamored with his local young lady Sara (Kashaf Ali). Haider’s uncle (Irfan Khoosat) is an ordinary government official who doesn’t believe accepting hush money to be a wrongdoing. Haider gets snared by the nearby SHO (Shafqat Cheema) in a crowd terminating case. Eventually in the wake of pulling off this case, Haider’s life takes an uncommon change. Haider now observes the greater and severe image of the present system, and how it influences everyone. He chooses to take care of this system, and simultaneously, his training, family, companions and love are in question.
Four tunes on the soundtrack were delivered in India. The music director was Shailesh Suvarna, with verse from Bollywood’s lyricist Irfan Siddiqui and Mohit Pathak. The tracks incorporated a few driving vocalists, for example, Javed Ali, Komal Rizvi, Palak Muchhal, Mohit Pathak and Krishna Beura. Two of the film’s melody recordings were shot in Norway.
The villains are, naturally, frightened – including his police subordinate played by Shafqat Cheema.
There are some users reviews about movie.
Viewed the film and I should let it be known is brilliant bit of incredible course and story-composing and exchanges. The debasement found in our general public and miss utilization of intensity and authority is depicted well overall. The motion picture just needs behind in view of low spending plan and exposure. The in addition to point is that organization has transferred the motion picture for nothing on youtube. The principle lead job on-screen character was bad enough at his acting abilities. I think the purpose for this is additionally low spending plan. Since Pakistani film turned another leaf, this is the primary motion picture with extraordinary music and melodies particularly Aa Re Aa and Sayyon Re. We need this kind of films exhibiting our social, good and political issues rather than karachi se lahore,jawani phir nahi aani and wrong number and so on like dumb motion pictures which have no reason by any stretch of the imagination. Too bad! one of the ongoing motion picture of this sort Maalik is restricted by our faker government officials. They couldn’t process their actual face being appeared on screen.