Sawal 700 Crore Dollar ka 2016
Sawal 700 Crore Dollar ka 2016 Film Budget, Box Office, Verdict, Release Date, Detail (Directed by, Starring by, Writer) and Story Overview

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- Budget: 4.5 Crore
- Box Office: 11 Crore
- Box Office Verdict: Hit
- Release Date: 6 July 2016
- Directed by: Jamshed Jan Mohammad
- Starring by: Ali Mohiuddin, Javed Sheikh, Qurat ul Ain, Ghulam Mohuiddin, Shamoon Abbasi, Ismail Tara, Nayyar Ejaz, Iftikhar Thakur
- Writer: Jamshed Jan Mohammad
Movie Overview
The film was shot on the spot in Thailand. The film is about a man named Tiger (Javed Sheik), a cheat, who is ostensibly the best in the game. Tiger is paying off debtors to the Mafia drove by Ringo (Ghulam Mohiuddin), so he needs to pull off one final enormous heist to take care of them. He selects Rocky (Ali Mohiuddin), a criminal who is moderately new in the game with a promising reputation to assist him with pulling off one last employment of 7 Billion Dollars burglary at a Palace in Bangkok possessed by Indian Maharaja (Nayyer Ejaz), who really carries icons and fortunes from India to sell it ‘on the planet underground market’. This is going on while a keen DSI (Department of Special Investigation) Officer Khan (Shamoon Abbasi) is attempting to capture Tiger, ‘in a compromising position’.