Geo Sar Utha Kay 2017
Geo Sar Utha Kay 2017 Film Budget, Box Office, Verdict, Release Date, Detail (Directed by, Starring by, Writer) and Story Overview

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- Budget: 4 Crore
- Box Office: 0.32 Crore
- Box Office Verdict: Disaster
- Release Date: 11 August 2017
- Directed by: Nadeem Cheema
- Starring by: Babar Ali, Shafqat Cheema, Nayyat Ejaz, Sheharyar Cheema, Umar Cheema, Yasir Khan, Naeem Khan, Areeba Khan, Ahmad Cheema, Qaynaat Rana, Rashid Mehmood
- Writer: Nasir Mehmood
Movie Overview
The Film is based around genuine occasions which included Chottu Gang of Rajanpur, Kacha territory of Southern Punjab, Pakistan. Where the posse welcomed fear on the land and the individuals living there, a gathering of police power have been sent there to end the Chottu Gang in spite of the fact that this would not be a strong activity, it would be a ridiculous canine war battle for the solid.
Sikandar Khan OF Lollywood Film Industry Gives 3.5 Out Of 5 Saying,”Decent Movie With Good Story And Its A Best Tribute To Our Pakistan Police This Independence Weekend” The whole film was shot in Pakistan.
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