Aksbandh 2016
Aksbandh 2016 Film Budget, Box Office, Verdict, Release Date, Detail (Directed by, Starring by, Writer) and Story Overview

- Budget: 0.55 Crore
- Box Office: 0.9 Crore
- Box Office Verdict: Above Average
- Release Date: 13 May 2016
- Directed by: Emran Hussain
- Starring by: Ayaz Samoo, Danial Afzal Khan, Saud Imtiaz, Shahzeen Rahat, Mahrukh Rizvi, Bilal Yousufzai, Arshad Ali
- Writer: Emran Hussain, Ayaz Samoo
Movie Overview
The film will be circulated by Hum Films. At first “Aksbandh” was titled as “Paranormal Karachi”. Be that as it may, later on changed to Aksbandh to maintain a strategic distance from any disarray about its remote association with a famous Hollywood blood and gore flick. The whole film’s shooting was done in Pakistan, the film was delivered in Pakistan too; with the exception of its sound blending and recording which was done in India.
The plot of film settle around six companions who set out on an enjoyment experience outing to Drigh Lake in Larkana,[5] to make a little spending blood and gore movie. Be that as it may, when the outing takes a terrible turn, the six companions wind up stirred up in Paranormal exercises. After seven days their camera was found containing insights regarding what befell them.