Project Ghazi 2019
Project Ghazi 2019 Film Budget, Box Office, Verdict, Release Date, Detail (Directed by, Starring by, Writer) and Story Overview

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- Budget: — Crore
- Box Office: 2 Crore
- Box Office Verdict: —
- Release Date: 29 March 2019
- Directed by: Nadir Shah
- Starring by: Humayun Saeed, Sheheryar Munawar, Syra Shehroz, Adnan Jaffar, Talat Hussain
- Writer: Syed Mohammed Ali Raza
Movie Overview
Task Ghazi is a 2019 Pakistani sci-fi activity film. Pakistan’s first ever superhuman film. The film got downright terrible criticism after its debut in Karachi, Pakistan. It had issue with its sound and other specialized stuff, so the producers chose not to discharge the film in the venues without these issues fixed. Project Ghazi has not been released on September 2018. It’s an account of a propelled trooper venture and it ranges over a time of 20 years.
The film rotates around a group of researchers and warriors meaning to deliver another type of cutting edge weaponized fighters code named Project Ghazi, until a gathering of rebel men attempt to hold onto the undertaking. Joined with a group of devoted researcher Zara Iftikhar (Syra Shehroz) and recognized fighters Major Zain (Sheheryar Munawar) and Salaar Salahuddin (Humayun Saeed) alongside others, they attempt to stop the rebel men, much to their dismay that a significant catastrophe is going their way.[6]
Momina Mindeel of Galaxy Lollywood appraised Project Ghazi 2 out of 5 stars, commending the exhibitions of Saeed and Shehroz and expressing that “the movie’s specialty direction is an indication of the way that the movie could have been a decent Pakistani sci-fi movie if the director/author had invested some push to think of an intelligent plot and a superior execution of it”.
Come up short on any storyline; we made a decent attempt to the conclusion to make sense of what was occurring however nothing appeared well and good. The super intensity of the hero was that he could punch hard… What’s more, even that is a suspicion!! Expect Sultan Rahi kind of activity; 100 slugs in the chest and the trooper just incredible!!