Kataksha 2019
Kataksha 2019 Film Budget, Box Office, Verdict, Release Date, Detail (Directed by, Starring by, Writer) and Story Overview

- Budget: 0.98 Crore
- Box Office: 2.01 Crore
- Box Office Verdict: Hit
- Release Date: 21 June 2019
- Directed by: Abu Aleeha
- Starring by: Saleem Meraj, Kiran Tabeir, Nimra Shahid, Kasim Khan, Mubeen Gabool
- Writer: Abu Aleeha
Movie Overview
This is Pakistan’s first mental thriller. Kataksha is an anecdote around 4 friends who caught in a spooky spot. They are meeting with a more interesting and afterward start a progression of strange occurrences.
A low quality film. No vision no story. The main beneficial thing about the film are its couple of dull scenes at Katas Temples. Rest there is nothing in it to burn through your time and cash on. There is no story no awfulness no rush. Only a lot of individuals who travel to katas sanctuary and stroll in its dim rear entryways. That is it.
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