Dobara Phir Se 2016
Dobara Phir Se 2016 Film Budget, Box Office, Verdict, Release Date, Detail (Directed by, Starring by, Writer) and Story Overview

- Budget: — Crore
- Box Office: 6.5 Crore
- Box Office Verdict: —
- Release Date: 25 December 2016
- Directed by: Mehreen Jabbar
- Starring by: Adeel Hussain, Sanam Saeed, Hareem Farooq, Ali Kazmi, Tooba Siddiqui
- Writer: Bilal Sami
Movie Overview
Film’s story spins around a character of a separated from Pakistani lady situated in New York City who visits an upscale Connecticut suburb to visit her alienated ex-relative. Hammad (Adeel Hussain) sees Zainab on a vessel transport. He kind of preferences her. The two of them meet at a gathering that equivalent day in New York at Samar’s home.
The film is delivered by conveyance organization ARY Films. Adeel by and by is exceptionally persuading with his acting. He is extremely normal with this character too like he was in his past film Ho Mann Jahan yet Hareem Farooq doesn’t satisfy the imprint. Story is acceptable to some degree I could relate with scarcely any encounters throughout my life. It was a decent film yet could have been something more.