Jeewan Hathi 2016

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Jeewan Hathi 2016 Film Budget, Box Office, Verdict, Release Date, Detail (Directed by, Starring by, Writer) and Story Overview

Jeewan Hathi Pakistani Movie Poster


  • Budget: — Crore
  • Box Office: 6.5 Crore
  • Box Office Verdict:
  • Release Date: 4 November 2016
  • Directed by: Meenu Gaur, Farjad Nabi
  • Starring by: Samiya Mumtaz, Hina Dilpazeer, Naseeruddin Shah, Saife Hassan
  • Writer: Fasih Bari Khan

Movie Overview

Jeewan Hathi is created under Matteela Films. Jeewan Hathi is a 2016 Pakistani dull satire short film. This wildly entertaining parody on Pakistan’s media industry investigates the dim underbelly of an unscripted TV drama that has the country excited as a channel proprietor who will do anything for higher appraisals. The soundtrack of the film comprise of two melodies by Ali Aftab Saeed and Sahir Ali Bagga and verses by Hasan Mujtaba.

I was energized when I saw the cast of this film. I thought it is going to be a top earning film. Be that as it may, sadly the directors have destroyed this. Film comprises of numerous grown-up jokes yet they are not amusing by any stretch of the imagination. Indeed, even the film isn’t clever in any way. Indeed, even we were feeling exceptionally disgraceful, for what reason would we say we are watching this garbage?. Ohh hold up a second, My terrible, Apology for that, It was not a film. Definitely, it was most certainly not. It was only a short film just to demolish your cash and temperament.

Jeewan Hathi Pakistani Movie Screenshot
Jeewan Hathi Pakistani Movie Screenshot
Jeewan Hathi Pakistani Movie Screenshot
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