Jawani Phir Nahi Ani 2015

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Jawani Phir Nahi Ani 2015 Film Budget, Box Office, Verdict, Release Date, Detail (Directed by, Starring by, Writer) and Story Overview

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  • Budget: 8.5 Crore
  • Box Office: 49.44 Crore
  • Box Office Verdict: Blockbuster
  • Release Date: 25 September 2015
  • Directed by: Nadeem Baig
  • Starring by: Hamayun Saeed, Hamza Ali Abbasi, Ahmad Ali Butt, Vasay Chaudhry, Ayesha Khan, Sarwat Gillani, Sarwat Gillani, Mehwish Hayat, Sohai Ali Abro, Ismail Tara, Javed Sheikh, Bushra Ansari, Farhan Ally Agha
  • Writer: Vasay Chaudhry

Movie Overview

It is the principal portion in the Jawani Phir Nahi Ani film arrangement. A spin-off, Jawani Phir Nahi Ani 2, was released on August 22, 2018 with Baig returning as director. The film’s music collection comprises of 6 tunes. A soundtrack collection was released on Saavn. The film was shot in different areas in Thailand including Bangkok, Pattaya and Coral Island. It got positive reviews from pundits. Rafay Mahmood of The Express Tribune evaluated the film “3 out of 5 stars”. Film netted ₨ 494 million around the world, turning into the most noteworthy earning Pakistani film to that date, breaking the record of Waar (2013). At the second ARY Film Awards, Jawani Phir Nahi Ani got twenty-nine assignments and won eighteen classifications. At the fifteenth Lux Style Awards, the film won two honors from ten designations. Humayun Saeed produced just as played one of leads in film.

Three beloved companions, Saif (Hamza Ali Abbasi), Sheik (Vasay Chaudhry) and Pervez (Ahmad Ali Butt), have settled down in hitched life yet fear their spouses. Their companion Sherry (Humayun Saeed), a separation legal advisor, comes back to Pakistan from the United States and finds that every one of his companions are in hopeless relationships. Sherry treats the spouses well so they permit their husbands to go with Sherry on an excursion to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Sherry really plans to take the men to Bangkok to add fervor to their lives. In Bangkok, Sherry meets a girl named Marina (Mehwish Hayat) and that they begin to seem all starry eyed at. In any case, when Sherry discovers that Marina is the girl of a wrongdoing manager named Bichi Don (Ismail Tara), he needs to leave Bangkok to escape from Marina. A couple of months pass and therefore the three companions discover that Sherry is to wed Zoya (Sohai Ali Abro). She is that the female child of Mehboob Khan (Javed Sheik), a really wealthy person in Lahore. Zoya is the quintessential nouveau riche kid, who demands talking with a solid American-English intonation and contracts articulations like “OMG” (Oh my God) and “Mama” (Masha’Allah). She appreciates going through her dad’s cash imprudently. Zoya’s mom (Bushra Ansari), stresses over her little girl’s mentality. At the point when the three companions show up at Sherry’s wedding, he asks them not to enlighten Zoya and her family concerning Marina. Bichi Don shows up at the wedding and presents himself as “Ya Sheik”, a companion of Mehboob Khan. Sherry told everybody that his companion, Saif’s epithet is additionally Sherry. The joke is that no-one knows which Sherry anybody is discussing. Two days before the marriage, Marina shows up. Sherry needs Marina’s dad to dismiss him as a potential child in-law, so he claims to be a gay. The ploy works and Marina and her dad leave, just to return upon the arrival of the marriage . Mehboob Khan and Marina’s dad, (Ya Sheik) contend about Sherry and this outcomes within the two men dismissing Sherry as a possible child in-law. The story closes when the three companions fix things up with their spouses and Sherry requests Marina’s turn in marriage.

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